Expressions and Variables


The “main” process environment (where you are calling <Queue>$run()) is isolated from the Worker environments. Therefore, your expression (expr) AND all the data needed for evaluating expr must be explicitly passed to the Worker.


The expr parameter can be given in two ways.

  • expr = { 42 }
  • expr = quote({ 42 })

The second form is helpful if your expression needs to be passed around your own code before being handed off to <Queue>$run(). Other call-generating functions can be used instead of quote(), such as call() or bquote().

q <- Queue$new()

q$run({ 42 })$result
#> [1] 42

expr <- quote({ 42 })
#> [1] 42


Global variables can be set when the Queue is created.

globals <- list(MY_DATA = mtcars)
q       <- Queue$new(globals = globals)

expr <- quote(colnames(MY_DATA))
#> [1] "mpg"  "cyl"  "disp" "hp"   "drat" "wt"

Additional variables for a Job can be defined with vars.

expr <- quote(MY_DATA[rows,cols])
vars <- list(rows = 20:22, cols = c('mpg', 'hp', 'wt'))

q$run(expr = expr, vars = vars)$result
#>                   mpg  hp    wt
#> Toyota Corolla   33.9  65 1.835
#> Toyota Corona    21.5  97 2.465
#> Dodge Challenger 15.5 150 3.520

Best Practices

  1. Minimize data transfer to/from Workers (it’s slow).
  2. Use UPPERCASE names for global variables.

q <- Queue$new(
  globals  = list(A = 1),
  init     = { B <- 12 },
  packages = 'jsonlite' )

job <- q$run(
  'vars' = list(x = 37), 
  'expr' = { toJSON(c(A, B, x)) } )

#> [1,12,37]

Here we assigned two global variables on the Workers: A and B. We also attached the ‘jsonlite’ R package to the Workers’ search paths. When expr is evaluated, it uses A, B, and toJSON from the Worker’s environment, and x from vars.